Harvest Church Sunday Sermon – 12 Nov 2023


Sunday - 9:30 am Sunday School, 10:30 am Worship Service. 1st, 3rd Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Men & Women's Bible Studies. 2nd, 4th, 5th Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting. Live-streamed worship services: YouTube and recorded sermons: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgkcuv9Y5ME2r5g0hKrd8dw .

by: Wade Schaber



Sermon Excerpt From “Strategic Love”;  In my study throughout this book, the things of Boaz, to me are very enlightening in the fact that this is in the time of the judges. And everybody did what was right in their own eyes. And there was a strong propensity for evil to occur and for injustice to occur......

Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:1-12 Sermon: “Strategic Love” Rev Scott Deneen https://www.facebook.com/harvestchurchlincolnton https://harvestpca.net/ 704-732-9978 710 Lithia Inn Road Lincolnton, NC 28092

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Sermon Excerpt From “Strategic Love”;  In my study throughout this book, the things of Boaz, to me are very enlightening in the fact that this is in the time of the judges. And everybody did what was right in their own eyes. And there was a strong propensity for evil to occur and for injustice to occur......

Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:1-12 Sermon: “Strategic Love” Rev Scott Deneen https://www.facebook.com/harvestchurchlincolnton https://harvestpca.net/ 704-732-9978 710 Lithia Inn Road Lincolnton, NC 28092

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